You want to buy Bitcoin easily and quickly on the exchange bitget this guide is for you.
The first step to buy Bitcoin from the Bitget exchange is to register on Bitget from here. If you have difficulty, you can see the detailed guide we have made Bitget Exchange what is it & how to register.
So let's get started.
Table of Contents
Buy Bitcoin from Bitget exchange
After you have registered and passed the quick KYC you should be on the Bitget home page.
The next step you should take is to go to the category that says Buy crypto and after Credit / Debit card.
Follow these steps:
- you will select the currency you have.
- you will tap and select Bitcoin.
- you will insert your card and press Buy Bitcoin.
The second way to buy Bitcoin
The second way is the best when you want to buy someone else altcoin which will not be in the list we showed with the first example.
The first step is to buy USDT in the first way I showed you and then you will go to the category Trade and after spot.
it will take you to the Bitcoin chart and you will go to the right you will put the option market and you will choose how much Bitcoin you want to buy and press buy Bitcoin.
How to sell Bitcoin on Bitget
To sell Bitcoin on Bitget it is very easy just go to the category and instead write Buy you will click on sell and in total you will put how much money you want to sell in Bitcoin to make it USDT.
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